The God Delusion

As the Medawars were entirely right to point out, the logicalconclusion to the 'human potential' argument is that we potentiallydeprive a human soul of the gift of existence every time we fail toseize any opportunity for sexual intercourse. Every refusal of anyoffer of copulation by a fertile individual is, by this dopey 'pro-life'logic, tantamount to the murder of a potential child! Even resistingrape could be represented as murdering a potential baby (and, bythe way, there are plenty of 'pro-life' campaigners who would denyabortion even to women who have been brutally raped). TheBeethoven argument is, we can clearly see, very bad logic indeed. I

The God Delusion On page 292 Monday, November 5, 2012 @ 1:54pm
