Ideals and realities of Islam

From the Islamic point of view all knowledge is contained in essence in the Quran, the knowledge of all orders of reality. But this knowledge lies within the Quran potentially, or as a seed and in principle, not actually. The Quran contains the principles of all science but does not seek to tell us the number of plants found in a particu-lar continent or the number of elements that exist in the chemical table. It is useless and in fact absurd to try to find detailed scientific information in the Quran as has been done by certain modern commentators of it, as meaningless as the attempt made in the West to correlate scientific discoveries with the text of the Bible. By the time one comes to correlate thefindings of a particular science with the text of the Holy Book, that science itself has changed

Ideals and realities of Islam On page 55 Saturday, January 5, 2013 @ 4:45pm
