For the first session of a class on change... - Navid Ghaffarzadegan

There is hard science like chemistry and physics.. But many people also recognize social science; which includes psychology, sociology, econ, political science, etc... Management in my opinion is psychology of organizations, it is sociology of organizations; it is economics of organizations; it is political science (political dynamics) of organizations... If you are honestly looking for sources, as I commented in your blog a decade ago(!), and on your facebook (a few years ago!) under similar statements of yours, you can read academy of management journal, administrative science quarterly, management science, org science, american economic review (org related articles), journal of public administration theory and research, etc. to get different scientific perspectives on organizations and management.

For the first session of a class on change... - Navid Ghaffarzadegan Friday, February 21, 2014 @ 5:06pm
