When The Kid Was A Kid - Wild Gender

There has been a generational shift but let’s also blame it on the global heterosexism! It is fascinating to see how during the 60’s and 70’s, drag (for both men and women) was one of the most popular elements of the entertainment culture; effeminate men were the most successful performers, comedians, musicians, etc. And since the 80’s there has been an increasing disidentification between the transgender and homosexuals in Iran because of the state support for transsexuality and the criminalization of homosexuality, hence an overall erasure of the image of gay, especially men. For example Fereydoun Farrokhzad[v] was one of the most popular and influential figures of his generation. Although most of those figures were very discreet about their sexuality and gender, even that ambiguity allowed them to perform in a unique way, people like Ramesh, Farrokhzad and even Hayedeh. Since the 80’s or 90’s we are more and more lacking that visual imagery. We grew up in a visual entertainment culture, produced mostly by the diaspora and almost accessible to everybody in Iran that was very queer aesthetically, to say the least.

When The Kid Was A Kid - Wild Gender Monday, April 7, 2014 @ 11:08pm
