نکته دیگر هم این است که ما در سینما نمیتوانیم حتی واقعیت ظاهری زنان را نشان بدهیم. زنها در خیابان اجازه دارند سیگار بکشند، ولی در سینما این اجازه را ندارند. زنها در خیابان میتوانند روسری عادی به سر کنند ولی نشان دادن حتی یک تار مو در تیزرهای تلویزیونی فیلم مجاز نیست. همین الان خانم علیدوستی در فیلم از نظر حجاب هیچ مشکلی ندارند، یعنی با همین شمایل میتوانند خیلی راحت در خیابان راه بروند و هیچ گشتی و ماموری کاری به کارشان نداشته باشد، ولی ما نمیتوانیم هیچ فریمی از بازی ایشان را در تیزر تلویزیون نشان دهیم، چون میگویند این یک تکه مویی که بیرون آمده، مسئلهساز است.
روزنامه بهار-جمعه عصبانی، شنبه اخلاقی- , یک شنبه , 24 دی , 1391 March 16, 2014
اساسا این یک استراتژی سقراطی است، یعنی به جای اینکه حرفی را بزنی یا تزی را ارائه کنی، استدلالت را از طریق مطرح کردن یکسری پرسشهای حسابشده جلو میبری. میخواهی چیزی را بگویی، اما آن را مستقیم نمیگویی، بلکه از طریق سوال مطرحش میکنی. طرف مقابلت را چنان سوالپیچ میکنی که خودش به نقض حرف خودش برسد و حرف تو را بپذیرد و به اطمینان جدیدی برسد. کمابیش همان کاری که شخصیت سفسطهگر افلاطون در مکالمه «سوفیست» انجام میدهد
روزنامه بهار-جمعه عصبانی، شنبه اخلاقی- , یک شنبه , 24 دی , 1391 March 16, 2014
دغدغه فیلمساز-روشنفکر ایرانی با مفهوم “مَردُم” تمامی ندارد. این جا دست کم خوبیاش این است که همه چیز به نفع سادگی و صفای روستایی تمام نمیشود. سرزمینی که میبینیم سرزمین خطرناکی است و با آن کویرِ سراسر حُسنِ خیلی دور خیلی نزدیک (رضا میرکریمی ، ۱۳۸۳) فاصله بعیدی دارد، امّا اگر کمی دقت کنیم اینجا هم آدم خبیث اصلاً نداریم. آدمها معمولاً بهتر از آناند که به نظر میآیند و بیشترشان حاضر نیستند در ازای پول از باورهایشان دست بکشند. اینجا هم باز روشنفکر مرفه ماست که اشتباه کرده است. امّا همه چیز در فضایی ترسناکتر و پیچیدهتر از آن میگذرد که در مینیمال سازیهایی مانند طعم گیلاس و خیلی دور خیلی نزدیک شاهدش بودیم و با تاثیرپذیری بیشتر از سینمای حادثهای جریان غالب سینما.
نقدی بر فیلم “پذیرایی ساده” مانی حقیقی | robertsafarian.comrobertsafarian.com March 12, 2014
شما در جريان نگارش فيلمنامه نقشي داشتيد؟
همهٔ خاطرات ترانهٔ علیدوستی از بازی در «پذیرایی ساده» شاید دلیلاش چهرهام باشد - Asre Javan March 12, 2014
قبل از شروع نگارش فيلمنامه از سوي آقاي حقيقي و آقاي كوهستاني، ماني حقيقي با ما مطرح كرد كه براي شروع نوشتن نياز دارد، جلساتي بگذاريم براي بداههسازي و ايده پردازي. ما هم با كمال ميل رفتيم. گروهي بوديم شامل من و سعيد چنگيزيان و مهدي كوشكي و ليلي رشيدي و حسن معجوني، كه با مديريت معجوني دسته دسته ميشديم و ايدهها را اتود ميزديم و بازي ميساختيم.
“And now I hear she’s an aunt, too,” Maurer added. “I mean, come the fuck on.”Several of Canfield’s closer friends acknowledged that, because of her steady attainment of noteworthy milestones, catching up with Canfield has become incredibly trying.“Even when Ashley’s father died last summer, it was really obnoxious,” said longtime friend Deanna Light, who claimed that Canfield was at least five life-defining moments ahead of her. “I guess I can’t blame her for being the first to lose a parent, but I’m beginning to wonder if she ever doesn’t have some major life event happening, you know?”
Obnoxious Friend Won't Stop Attaining Major Life Milestones | The Onion - America's Finest News Source March 11, 2014
Claiming that the milestones “just won’t fucking end,” several of the woman’s acquaintances noted that Canfield now has several employees working below her, while others expressed irritation over reports that Canfield and her husband had recently purchased a house—a “real, honest-to-God house with a stupid little yard and everything.”In spite of Canfield’s continuous achievements, many of those close to the woman acknowledged that they still hold out hope that she will encounter a fallow period in which she ceases reaching momentous life goals.
Obnoxious Friend Won't Stop Attaining Major Life Milestones | The Onion - America's Finest News Source March 11, 2014
Often, the owner of preferred stock gets a guaranteed return of 1X their investment. Imagine a VC that buys 50% of a company for $50 million, for a $100 million post-money valuation. If that company then sells for $75 million, the VC gets more than 50% of the $75 million. The VC gets his or her $50 million out first, and then half of the remaining $25 million ($12.5 million) for a total return of $62.5 million. The common stock holders split the remaining $12.5 million. That's a 1X liquidation preference. In recent years, it's become the most common liquidation preference for VC firms investing in startups.
Startup Employees Think They Are Going To Get Rich — Then A Horror Story Like This Happens - Yahoo Finance March 10, 2014
Third the throat of a blue whale is narrow and usually measures in at less than 1 ft. wide! Even if they tried to swallow a human whole they wouldn’t be able to fit a person down their throat. Blue whales won’t even attempt to eat small marine mammals let alone a human. So far there are no known recorded events of a blue whale ever eating or consuming a person partially or as a whole except in stories and in mythology.
Do Blue Whales Eat People? March 10, 2014
Once the pre-eminent college admissions exam, the SAT has recently lost ground to the ACT, which is based more directly on high school curriculums and is now taken by a slightly higher number of students.
Major Changes in SAT Announced by College Board - NYTimes.com March 5, 2014
انتقادهایی که به روشنفکری دینی وارد میشود، بر دو قسم است: یک گروه مقید شدن اندیشهورزی را به دین خلاف اندیشهورزی آزاد میدانند. به علاوه، چنانکه مصطفی ملکیان میگوید اگر جوهر تدینً تعبد باشد و روشنفکری به معنای عقلانیت باشد، چون این دو «یکدیگر را ذاتاً نفی میکنند» با هم جمع نمیشوند.[۱۲] برای نمونه، ممکن است گفته شود اگر عبدالکریم سروش به دنبال ایجاد روایتی تاریخی (و انسانی) از ظهور قرآن است، او به دلیل مقید بودن به آموزههای دینی امر غیرقابل اندازهگیری (ولو عرفی و انسانی و جهان شمول) رؤیا را جایگزین امر غیرقابل اندازهگیری دیگری (یعنی وحی به معنای کلاسیک) کرده است. به عبارت دیگر، تبیین او کاملا ً «آزاد» نیست؛ زیرا با توضیح ظهور قرآن از طریق الگویی غیرتجربی باز هم در قالب قدسی و سنتی نزول قرآن گرفتار است.
جنبش راه سبز - سخنی دربارۀ «دینداری» روشنفکران دینی March 5, 2014
Examining public data from 279 courses from the most popular MOOC providers (Udacity, Coursera, edX), researcher Katy Jordan finds that the average course enrolls about 43,000 students. About 6.5% of those stick around ’til the end. When looking at the number of students who engaged at least a little bit with course materials, the number of completion jumps to 9.8%.
Study: Massive Online Courses Enroll An Average Of 43,000 Students, 10% Completion | TechCrunch March 5, 2014
TV exploited the new American electorate, whose collective civic IQ had been dulled by mass entertainment. Social psychologists call this effect the elaboration likelihood model, where knowledgeable listeners are more attuned to the content of a speaker’s words and confused listeners look to proxies of expertise, such as poise or confidence. Media kingpin and Fox News President Roger Ailes is a master at exploiting this public vulnerability. While coaching Rudy Giuliani during his run for office, he scolded him for offering a nuanced, multi-pointed argument. “I agree with all of those things,” wrote Giuliani, recalling Ailes’s advice, “You get an A for education–and an F for communication.” Ailes ranted on: This isn’t the United States Court of Appeals. Judges would remember those four points, and they’d write them all down. But, people at home aren’t sitting there with a score-card. Education–immediately, what does that say to you? Children. You have two minutes. The way you answer that question is, “I care greatly about children. I have my own.
How Technology Destroyed The Once Substantive Presidential Debate | TechCrunch March 4, 2014
Then, technology crashed the nuance-happy party. “By the 1920′s, radio broadcasts had replaced mass meetings and all-day orations,” writes Mark Lawrence Kornbluh, in his historical account of why American voter turnout plummeted from a high of +80 percent in the late 19th century to its dismally low numbers today. “As the role of voters became increasingly passive, it is little wonder that their enthusiasm for electoral politics waned.” Radio inflamed a subtle, yet revolutionary new feature of political discussion: word count limits. Hourly broadcast rates were expensive, and spotty coverage meant speeches had to be replicated by oratorical monks for each local network
How Technology Destroyed The Once Substantive Presidential Debate | TechCrunch March 4, 2014
found his answer revelatory. He did not address the issue of Sunni extremism. Instead he argued in essence that the Shiite Iranian regime is susceptible to logic, appeals to self-interest and incentives. “I’m not big on extremism generally,” Obama said. “I don’t think you’ll get me to choose on those two issues. What I’ll say is that if you look at Iranian behavior, they are strategic, and they’re not impulsive. They have a worldview, and they see their interests, and they respond to costs and benefits. And that isn’t to say that they aren’t a theocracy that embraces all kinds of ideas that I find abhorrent, but they’re not North Korea. They are a large, powerful country that sees itself as an important player on the world stage, and I do not think has a suicide wish, and can respond to incentives.”This view puts him at odds with Netanyahu's understanding of Iran. In an interview after he won the premiership, the Israeli leader described the Iranian leadership to me as “a messianic apocalyptic cult.”
Obama to Israel -- Time Is Running Out - Bloomberg View March 4, 2014
Pizzolatto confirmed my suspicions a few days later. “The King In Yellow is in there because it’s a story about a story, one that drives people to madness,” he told Jensen. “Everything in True Detective is composed of questionable narratives, inner and outer, from Cohle’s view that identity is just a story we tell ourselves, to the stories about manhood that Hart tells about himself, to the not always truthful story they tell the detectives investigating them. So it made sense—to me, at least—to allude to an external narrative that that is supposed to create insanity.”In other words, the Yellow King is a literary device—a creepy mythology that Pizzolatto pinned to Ledoux & Co. in order to reinforce his metafictional themes. The Yellow King is not the monster we’re going to meet at the end of the nightmare.
How ‘True Detective’ Will End: What We Know Up to Episode 7 “After You’ve Gone” - The Daily Beast March 4, 2014
technology hasn’t had a wonderful impact on the substantiveness of our political conversations. Presidential debates used to be deeply nuanced and many hours long. Then radio and TV came along and bludgeoned substance with a soundbite assault to the death. On the other hand, sometimes entertainment is a tempting fishhook to bring the politically disinterested into the national conversation. Buzzfeed, for instance, is on its way to becoming a media empire, betting that serious politics and mindless celebrity lists can live side-by-side. Indeed, Buzzfeed editor Ben Smith explained it best when he told me: “I think anybody who’s worked in the news business, at least since I think the Second World War, realizes that entertainment is more popular and more widely consumed than politics,” he argued. “I think probably more people were talking about Marilyn Monroe than about Dwight Eisenhower on any given day in the ’50s, too. I think that’s kind of the banal truth.”
Thoreau Warned Us About Ellen’s Oscar Selfie | TechCrunch March 3, 2014
Compared with the children of young fathers, aged 20 to 24, those born to men age 45 and older had about twice the risk of developing psychosis, the signature symptom of schizophrenia; more than three times the likelihood of receiving a diagnosis of autism; and about 13 times the chance of having a diagnosis of attention deficit disorder. Children born to older fathers also tended to struggle more with academics and substance abuse.The researchers controlled for every factor they could think of, including parents’ education and income. Older couples tend to be more stable and have more income — both protective factors that help to temper mental problems — and this was the case in the study. But much of the risk associated with paternal age remained.
Mental Illness Risk Higher for Children of Older Fathers, Study Finds - NYTimes.com March 3, 2014
روشنفکر دینی کسی است که میکوشد در دین، کارِ روشنفکرانه کند. یعنی میکوشد فهمی رهاییبخش از گزارهها، کنشها، نهادها و مناسبات دینی به دست دهد به طوری که باورمندان به این گزارهها، کنشها، مناسبات و نهادها، جهان جدید و مؤلفههای آن (عقلانیت مدرن، حقوق بشر و غیره) را به نحو سازواری به رسمیت بشناسند. مراد از فهم رهاییبخش در این بحث، فهمی است که میکوشد مناسبات نابرابری را که در فهم رایج از دین، و به طور خاص اسلام، رواج دارد (مانند نابرابری مرد و زن، مسلمان و غیر مسلمان، مسلمانِ -به اصطلاح- پایبند و غیرپایبند، مسلمان دگراندیش و غیر دگراندیش، فقیه و غیرِ فقیه و مانندِ آن)، به سود مناسباتی برابر، بازخوانی کند.
دین آنلاین - سخنی دربارۀ «دینداری» روشنفکران دینی** March 2, 2014
عبدالله حاجی صادقی٬ جانشین نماینده ولی فقیه در سپاه نسبت به گسترش تفکر سکولاریسم در ایران هشدار داده و گفته نزدیک شدن به آمریکا برای «بهرهمندی» تنها یک «توهم» است. به گزارش خبرگزاری «رسا»٬ آقای حاجی صادقی روز پنجشنبه (هشتم اسفند) گفته «برخی میگویند برویم با ارباب و کدخدا آشنا بشویم تا یک لقمه نانی هم به ما برسد.» حسن روحانی تنها کسی است که در جریان یکی از سخنرانیهای تبلیغاتی خود در ایام انتخابات ریاست جمهوری از آمریکا با عنوان «کدخدا» نام برده بود.
هشدار به دولت درباره گسترش سکولاریسم | دیگربان March 2, 2014
شهریار زرشناس٬ عضو هیأت علمی پژوهشگاه «فرهنگ و اندیشه اسلامی» گفته که «گلوگاههای استراتژیک اقتصادی نباید تحت عنوان خصوصیسازی و اقتصاد آزاد، در دست مجموعهای به جز سپاه باشد.» آقای زرشناس در گفتگو با سایت «برهان» این مطلب را بیان کرده و خواستار افزایش قدرت اقتصادی سپاه پاسداران به منظور محدود کردن قدرت مانور سرمایهداران «سکولار» شده است. وی افزوده که سرمایه ۱۰۰ تا ۲۰۰ میلیارد دلاری سکولارها که در ایران «سرگردان» است٬ امنیت سیاسی جمهوری اسلامی را تهدید میکند.
گلوگاههای استراتژیک اقتصادی نظام باید تنها در اختیار سپاه باشد | دیگربان March 2, 2014
Toyota is no stranger to disruption, having overturned the global car business over the course of decades. But rather than high-concept, visionary technology and hype, it was Toyota’s mastery of the culture of manufacturing that drove it from bit player to industry titan. Toyota emphasizes kaizen, or continuous improvement, not Musk’s mercurial style. And based on a scan of quality complaints at various Tesla owner forums, it seems Musk could learn more from Toyota’s automotive disruptions than the other way around. Auto industry success is a marathon, not a sprint ... and at current volumes, Tesla is barely walking.
Tesla Is a Car, Not a Revolution - Bloomberg View March 1, 2014
جناب ملکیان مطالبی را به روشنفکران دینی نسبت می دهند که ایشان بدان باور ندارند. نواندیشان دینی که بنده نیز بدان جرگه تعلق دارم، به گواهی آثارشان ، نه در پی استخراجِ مفاهیمی چون دموکراسی و لیبرالیسم و سکولاریسم از دل سنت دینی اند، نه به هرج و مرج در هرمنوتیک باور دارند و در پی آنند تا متکلفانه هر خوانشی از متن مقدس بدست دهند؛ نه بسان اهالی مکتب تفکیک به معرفت دینیِ ناب و عاری از پیش فرض (از جمله مفروضات فلسفی و عرفانی) معتقدند؛ بلکه با مدد گرفتن از روش های موجهی چون تفکیک ذاتیات از عرضیات، تنقیح و تصحیحِ انتظار از دین، تمییز میان احکامِ اخلاقی جهانشمول و احکام فقهیِ اجتماعیِ زمانمند و مکانمند و وابسته به سیاق... در پی بدست دادن فهمی روشمند از متن مقدس و بازسازیِ پیام و روح دین در زمانۀ پر تب و تاب کنونی از رهگذرِ بازخوانی انتقادیِ سنت دینی اند
Soroush Dabbagh - دوستان عزیزِ متعددی در 5-4 روز گذشته نظرم را... February 28, 2014
Indeed, as early as 1966, University of Chicago sociologist James Davis published research demonstrating that a student who attends a school that is out of his academic league is often put at a professional disadvantage. In "The Campus as a Frog Pond: An Application of the Theory of Relative Deprivation to Career Decisions of College Men," Davis controlled for entering academic credentials and compared students at schools of different academic rank, examining their career choices to see which pursued "high performance" careers (in law, medicine, science, etc.). He found that college GPA correlated more strongly to career choice than did the academic rank of the school attended. He explained this finding in terms of the "theory of relative deprivation," under which students can be expected to measure their own potential in comparison to their immediate classmates, generally using one another's grades as "the accepted yardstick." Davis put his conclusion in somewhat quaint terms. "Counselors and parents might well consider the drawbacks as well as the advantages of sending a boy to a ‘fine' college, if, when doing so, it is fairly certain he will end up in the bottom ranks of his graduating class," he wrote. Davis's research spawned a cottage industry in sociological studies on the hazards of being a "small frog" in a "big pond."
The Sad Irony of Affirmative Action > Publications > National Affairs February 27, 2014
Quinoa is not only weird, it might also be making a portion of the planet totally miserable, suddenly having found that what was once their staple grain is getting shipped off to America so that we can all enjoy our complete proteins and coconut milk. According to The Guardian, in Lima, quinoa is now more expensive than chicken. If you can live with that, please enjoy your healthy wax pellets. If not, here are a bunch of quinoa alternatives that are totally delicious, also great for you and aren't ruining an indigenous culture's access to their traditional food.There was life after kale, there will be life after quinoa.
Quinoa Is Weird: Here Are 10 Alternative Grains To Get To Know Instead February 23, 2014
By and large, such “religious accommodation” regimes provide that religious objectors may get exemptions even from generally applicable laws unless denying the exemption is necessary to serve a compelling government interest.[53] So if a government action requires someone to do something that he sees as religiously forbidden (e.g., working on the Sabbath), then sometimes — but not always — the objector will be able to get an exemption.[54] The same is true if a government action forbids someone from doing something he sees as religiously required (e.g., wearing religiously mandated dress or facial hair, or using peyote in a religious ceremony). The federal Civil Rights Act similarly gives employees, public or private, the right to an exemption from generally applicable work rules that interfere with the employees’ religious practices, unless the exemption would work an “undue hardship” on an employer.[55] Under these rules, Muslim employees could sometimes claim exemptions from some employer dress codes or hairstyle rules.[56] Muslim litigants or witnesses could claim exemptions from court rules that require people to keep their heads uncovered in court.[57] Muslims could ask for time off to pray[58] or days off for religious holidays.[59] Muslim cab drivers could ask for the right to refuse to carry passengers who are visibly carrying alcohol, despite a generally applicable policy requiring cab drivers to take all comers.[60]
Letting Muslims claim broadly available religious exemptions from generally applicable laws or work rules February 23, 2014
محل بحث من بیشتر روشنفکری دینی متاخر و سرفصلهای مطروحه در ذیل آن است مثل بحثی که در باب عبور از فقه طرح میکنند و یا تفکیکی که بین نواندیش دینی و روشنفکری دینی از بیرون بر این جریان انجام میدهند. زمانی که شما به لحاظ فکری در مرحله روشنفکری دینی به سر میبردید، مباحثی نظیر عبور از فقه در پارادایم فکری ایشان طرح نگردیده بود؛ ولی الآن روشنفکری دینی در حال حرکت به این سمت است و ادبیات جدیدی زاییده و در حال پرورده شدن است، ادبیاتی که به نظر من در حال نزدیک شدن به ادبیات شما و پروژه عقلانیت و معنویت است؛ یعنی بحث شریعتزدایی از دین و رسیدن به معنویت در ایمان در عین التزام به دین.
نسخه قابل چاپ - با پارادوکس خود چه میکنید؟ - فرهنگ امروز February 23, 2014
حتی اگر این فیلسوف اسلامی صدرایی باشد؟ ملکیان: هرکه باشد فرقی نمیکند؛ چون فیلسوف اسلامی اگر صدرایی هم باشد میگوید: «النفس جسمانیه الحدوث اما روحانیه البقاء» یعنی از لحاظ حادث شدن مثل اجسام است؛ اما از نظر بقا مثل ارواح میماند، حدوث زمانی دارد، پایان زمانی ندارد، پس به محض اینکه نفس حادث شد حتی اگر من صدرایی هم باشم دیگر این نفس، مرگ نخواهد داشت. قرآن جواب دیگری داده و گفته است: «یحییها الذی انشاها اول مره»، بگو ای پیامبر به این اعرابی که این استخوان را همان کسی زنده خواهد کرد که اولین استخوان را پدید آورد، خب این یعنی اینکه قرآن مطلقاً به وجود نفس قائل نیست.
نسخه قابل چاپ - با پارادوکس خود چه میکنید؟ - فرهنگ امروز February 23, 2014
اما خود روشنفکری دینی به نظر من یک مفهوم پارادوکسیکال است به دلیل اینکه روشنفکری قوامش به عقلانیت است، روشنفکر، روشنفکر نیست مگر اینکه به عقلانیت التزام داشته باشد، التزام صددرصد به عقلانیت داشته باشد. التزام حتیالمقدور و یا نزدیک به صددرصد داشته باشد. از زمان کانت ، هردر و لسینگ و دیگران که بحث روشنفکری پیش آمد چه در سنت روشنفکری فرانسوی چه در روشنفکری آلمان و انگلستان، روشنفکر به کسی اطلاق میشد که پاسدار عقلانیت است و قوام روشنفکری پاسداری از عقلانیت است. اما از سوی دیگر قوام تدین و دیانت پیشگی و دینورزی تعبد است.
نسخه قابل چاپ - با پارادوکس خود چه میکنید؟ - فرهنگ امروز February 23, 2014
On the surface, Lou is an eccentric. She’s a showgirl of sorts; Long Island rough punk rock meets manic Goth. She’s hard, in the street sense, and those who claim to be intimidated by her (and there are many) are responding to this performance. She has a way of throwing her right arm down from the elbow while stepping forward with, “But no, but wait,” or “That is bullshit,” in a voice a little deeper than her usual tone, that throws interlocutors off guard. Three “nos!” for something that excited her, each a little throatier to emphasize the point. She screamed at people at parties for brushing up against her at the wrong time, leggings and cut shirts and giant rings shaking like a costume on a coat hanger, stored in her mother’s closet. As far as social personalities go, this isn’t a particularly dishonest one, especially for someone in the arts, but beneath it is someone far more vulnerable. Someone unusually comfortable with sincere pleasure for the age of irony, comfortable with joy; the child voice, the days spent in sweaters and bad glasses in a pile of blankets pressing noses together. Beneath the surface is the second layer: someone unusually disposed to terror, to overwhelming migraines and days spent in a pile of blankets paralyzed by fear; a girl tired and sad more than her fair share, worried about money, about her parents, and her brother. This is the girl who wrote delicate, horrifying prose with an intuitive sense of rhythm I still envy
On the Kinds of Love We Fall Into: Polyamory in Theory and Practice | February 22, 2014
Cigarettes are so frequently an affect, in writing and in life. She smokes because she likes it, and I like this about her. I say so, one night. “I’m just better at performing my identity than you,” she says. I find this inexplicably funny, but I’m very tired, too. Writers, trying to construct the early parts of love for an audience, use single, ornamented images like these; otherwise they hurry, throwing out a stock of frantic conversations with excitement and discovery, recounting with a staccato urgency the tearing of clothes and writhing limbs in beds and bathrooms and on floors. They remember long talks of mutual recognition with clocks ignored till daylight. The trouble of course is that in deploying these clichés, they are trying to summon somehow, in retrospect, the feeling of a time that appeals precisely in its disregard for retrospect. The howling, late night conversation, the frantic fucking: the beauty is in the shared feeling that we’ve finally got it right, and for a moment can believe we won’t need to talk about it later in more nuanced, measured tones.
On the Kinds of Love We Fall Into: Polyamory in Theory and Practice | February 22, 2014