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شب فرودگاه, پدرم گفت, برو, و تنها بخوان, و بخوان و بخوان, اگر دغدغه درد ایران را داری, از سیاست و ایران جدا شو. اگر شب های روی کتابهایت نخوابی و روی آنها بلند نشی, شبیه همه روزنامه نگاران و بسیاری از خارج نشینان, تنها سطح را میفهمی, بی مایه میمانی. مته به خشخاش دینداری نگذار. دین, دین حداقلی. خدا را به یاد داشته باش, نمازت, رزق حلال, حجاب را در حد شرع خدا, و نه خلق خدا, بقیه اش همه حلال. پیشانیم را بوسید, مادرم خندید, گفت: درد مردم و روشنفکران ندانستن است.

کوی مغان: من درد دارم April 3, 2014

حرف هایی هست برای گفتن که اگر گوشی نبود، نمی گوییم. و حرف هایی هست برای نگفتن، حرف هایی که هرگز سر به ابتذال گفتن فرود نمی آورند. و سرمایه ی هرکسی به اندازه ی حرف هایی است که برای نگفتن دارد. حرف های بی قرار و طاقت فرس که همچون زبانه های بی تاب آتشند.

Ali Shariati علی شریعتی April 3, 2014

In graph theory, we have long had a very similar idea, that a meaningful graph property is something preserved by any isomorphism of the graph. Another example of this, of even more direct relevance to the study of algorithms, was given by Fred Roberts in his talk on meaningfulness in epidemiology. He mentioned that shortest path algorithms are used very widely, but are only applicable when the edge weights of a graph are given by ratio data: if you can perform more general linear transformations on the edge weights, such as adding the same number to each of them, you can change the result of the shortest path computation. In contrast, minimum spanning trees, despite their very similar definition, are much more broadly meaningful. They make sense even when the edge weights are ordinal, because they depend only on the pairwise ordering of the weights, something that does not change when you apply a monotonic transformation to the weights.

11011110: Meaningfulness April 2, 2014

Using estimates of the total amount of iridium in the K–Pg layer, and assuming that the asteroid contained the normal percentage of iridium found in chondrites, the Alvarez team went on to calculate the size of the asteroid. The answer was about 10 km (6.2 mi) in diameter, about the size of Manhattan.[5] Such a large impact would have had approximately the energy of 100 trillion tons of TNT, or about 2 million times greater than the most powerful thermonuclear bomb ever tested.

Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia April 2, 2014

The boundary marks the end of the Cretaceous period, which is the last period of the Mesozoic era, and marks the beginning of the Paleogene period of the Cenozoic era. The boundary is associated with the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event, a mass extinction, which is considered to be the demise of the non-avian dinosaurs.

Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia April 2, 2014

Cudney was called in for another test -- a urine test, which could detect the consumption of alcohol from up to 80 hours previously

Colleen Cudney's Facebook Post Could Land Her In Jail March 31, 2014

"The Chastain Effect: Using Title IX to Measure the Causal Effect of Participating in High School Sports on Adult Women's Social Lives," published in The Journal of Socio-Economics. Our results suggest that participating in sports leads women to reject patriarchal institutions such as church and marriage—perhaps as a consequence of the confidence and independence that sports participation engenders.

Title IX's Other Effects: Do Sports Make Women Less Religious? March 29, 2014

برهان علیت را هم که یادتان هست لابد. هر معلولی علتی دارد و این زنجیره‌ی علت‌ها را همین‌جور بگیر تا برسی به خدا. آن جا هم که پرسیده شود پس علت، خالق، یا پدیدآورنده‌ی خدا کیست و چیست، گفته می‌شود که خدا همان علت العلل است. در این برهان البته نه یگانگی خداوند موضوع اثبات است و نه برتری او نسبت به سلسله‌ی موجودات و اشیاء (معلول‌ها). مساله این است که این علت غایی می‌تواند از قضا موجود یا موجوداتی فاقد هوش و توانایی خارق العاده باشد. «برهان نظم» به نوعی در صدد اثبات هوش و توانایی برتر منشا هستی بود. این برهان می‌گفت هر نظمی ناظمی دارد و سپس مخاطبان دعوت می‌شدند به دیدن و تعمق در نظم عظیم هستی. بنا بر مدعای این برهان، آفرینش چنین نظمی تنها از ناظمی بی‌نهایت توانا و بی‌نهایت دانا و بی‌نهایت هوشمند ساخته است. در واقع فکر نمی‌کنم و ندیدم سروش در افکار و آرای داوکینز چندان تعمق کرده باشد

برهان نظم | قیلوله‌اش March 29, 2014

Re-engagement is the key. This is important because the sneaky problem with e-commerce is paying to reacquire your existing customers. As an investor, I see a lot of companies with a killer product who have built $10 million in revenues at a rapid clip. (Understandably, most burn some cash to get there, but if companies didn’t burn cash to build, I’d be out of a job.) In almost all cases, these businesses have an “at-scale economics” slide in their pitch deck that shows a customer will be quite profitable in time – buying from them several times a year, and thus justifying the $42 spent to acquire them as something that will be easily amortized across future purchases. Re-engagement drives higher LTVs, which enable the ability to spend more on acquisition.

That’s a nice little $40M ecommerce company you have there. Call me when it scales | PandoDaily March 26, 2014

Gardner Fellowships
Gardner Fellowships provide a year of purposeful postgraduate travel for Harvard students to supplement their formal education through immersion in a foreign culture. SELECTION CRITERIA
Recipients of this fellowship should demonstrate a curiosity and concern about the history, habitat, and customs of cultures other than their own. In addition, an ability to communicate feelings and ideas about these matters should have weight in making the award. It is hoped that candidates considered for the fellowship will have a broad and diverse college experience, both curricular and noncurricular. It is further hoped that the stated goals of this fellowship will provide its recipients with an opportunity to reflect on their undergraduate life in the context of a wider horizon. Most particularly, it is intended that this fellowship be helpful in opening, rather than narrowing, the range of life-long interests and careers ultimately to be pursued. ELIGIBILITY
All Harvard College seniors are eligibile.

Harvard Fellowships § Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships March 26, 2014

Manchin wrote: “Bitcoin has also become a haven for individuals to buy black market items. Individuals are able to anonymously purchase items such as drugs and weapons illegally.” Another U.S. Congressman, Jared Polis representing Colorado, sent his own parody letter, calling for a ban on the use of the $100 bill citing the exact same reasons. “Speaking of anonymous currency, the U.S. $100 dollar bill can be transported all over the world and is used to buy drugs and guns at about 1 million times the level that Bbitcoin is,” Andreessen said.

Marc Andreessen: “My Prediction Is That The Libertarians Will Turn On Bitcoin.” | TechCrunch March 26, 2014

Prima donna, Italian for "first lady", is a term originally used in opera or Commedia dell'arte companies to designate the leading female singer in the company, the person to whom the prime roles would be given. The prima donna was normally, but not necessarily, a soprano. The corresponding term for the male lead (almost always a tenor) is primo uomo.[1] Prime donne often had grand off-stage personalities and were seen as demanding of their colleagues. From its original usage in opera, the term has spread in contemporary usage to refer to anyone behaving in a demanding or temperamental fashion or has an inflated view of herself.

Prima donna - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia March 25, 2014

For most of the past three years, I dreamed of becoming a real programmer. And who wouldn’t? The perks were just too gratifying. Not only can your code bring you fame and glory, but you could influence the lives of many fellow developers. And, for quite some time, I felt like a Real Programmer. However, the more time I would put into learning new things, the more I would be convinced of my own demise. While I was trying to figure out how to use CSS to make a client’s website half decent, others were making crazy-ass experiments that involved more browser-specific tricks than all of jQuery. While I was battling with Javascript’s syntax errors, others were redefining the way we would write client-side apps.

I don't want to be a Real Programmer - Where std::bad_alloc started March 24, 2014

In many ways universities in the US have come to resemble high-end shopping malls. They are in the business of building state-of-the art facilities and a reputation that attracts good students, good faculty, and resources (Stephan 2012). They turn around and lease the facilities to faculty in the form of indirect costs on grants and the buyout of salary. To help faculty establish their labs—their firm in the mall—universities provide start-up packages for newly hired faculty. External funding, which was once viewed as a luxury, has become a necessary condition for tenure and promotion. The shopping mall model puts tremendous stress on universities, especially in a time of flat resources. Three are noted here and discussed further in my research. First, incentives have arguably led faculty, as well as the agencies that fund faculty, to be risk averse when it comes to research. Applications are often scored for “doability” (Alberts 2009). The pressure on faculty to receive funding quickly in their academic career—at the end of their third year at many universities—means that faculty can ill afford to follow a research agenda of an overly risky nature.

US university science: The shopping mall model | vox March 24, 2014

بعد؛ اقتصاد مقاومتی رو در واقع یک اقتصاد «لیبرالی» یا به تعبیر خودش، «مردم‌بنیاد» توصیف کرده، به این شکل:
«اقتصاد مقاومتی مردم‌بنیاد است، یعنی دولتی نیست و بر محور دولت نمی‌گردد. کار اقتصادی دست مردم است و دولت به عنوان مسئول عمومی؛ هدایت،‌ کمک و نظارت می‌کند». برای این که مطمئن بشید که این وجهه لیبرالی «اقتصاد مقاومتی»، یک «گمان» نیست، ببینید «عدالت» رو به چه شکلی تعریف می‌کنه:
«اقتصاد مقاومتی عدالت محور است. عدالت به معنای تقسیم فقر نیست. بلکه به معنای افزایش تولید و سرمایه ملی است».
یعنی همون ایده اقتصاد آزاد که می‌گه عدالت از طریق «رشد اقتصادی» حاصل می‌شه؛ نه با شیوه‌های بازتوزیعی.

Milad Mohamadi - آقای خامنه‌ای در مشهد در مورد «اقتصاد مقاومتی»... March 24, 2014

An ancestral figure of the girly girl was the womanly woman of the early 20th century, caricatured and attacked by the flapper as a "bundle of beautiful clothes...[round a] mass of affectations".[4] An earlier term for a squeamish kind of ultra femininity was missish.

Girly girl - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia March 24, 2014

I walked in, and in right after me walked this really tall handsome older guy wearing an apron, and he said “Hi Joy, can I have a pen?” Joy, the woman working there, shuffled around the tiny shop looking for a pen, and I stood there trying to sneakily wipe sweat off my face, and when it became clear she wasn’t going to find a pen quickly, I offered the man one of mine, even though they are this very specific thin-tipped gel kind, with navy ink that my mom and I are obsessed with, that she orders online and gives me for Christmas. The man said “Are you sure? I have to take it with me!” And I said “It’s really okay! I have like 40!!” which wasn’t true, I have maybe 8, but he was so handsome. He said “I have a bar around the corner, you can come whenever and have a free drink for this pen,” and I laughed and kept trying to wipe sweat off my face. Then he said “What’s your name?” and I said Katie, and he said “Where are you from, what’s your favorite color?” And I said “Minnesota, green.” ‘Katie, Minnesota, Green,” he said. “When you want to remember someone’s name you’re supposed to picture their favorite color written on their forehead.” I didn’t do this for him, and I do not remember his name, so I guess this is true.

shut up. tell me. by katie heaney. - Last Friday our office rearranged seating, and... March 24, 2014

- هر هفته خواب ببینی رفتی ایران توی فرودگاه پاسپورت‌ت رو گرفتند چشم‌بند زدند بردنت اوین. بازجو نشسته پشت سرت میگه «شش سال حبس.» جواب بدی «من زندگیمو باختم حاج آقا! منو از حبس می‌ترسونی؟ برو از خدا بترس!»

Ali Abdi - غربت چیست؟ (ده مورد را ذکر کنید.) ۱- هر روز که می‌گذره... March 24, 2014

گفتم حالا مقادیری از تجربیات خودم در زمینه ترفندهای خانم‌ها برای محروم کردن ما از این حق مسلم رو در اختیار سایر دوستان بگذارم شاید دعای خیرشون گشایشی در کار ما هم ایجاد کنه. مهمترین روش‌هایی که خانم ها برای آزار و اذیت و در نهایت سلب حقوق مسلم آقایون استفاده می‌کنند به شرح زیر است

یک ایرانی در آمریکا! March 20, 2014

تمکین یکی از تکالیف زن در برابر شوهر به شمار می‌رود که به دو نوع «تمکین خاص» و «تمکین عام» تقسیم می‌شود. تمکین خاص به برآوردن درخواست‌های جنسی شوهر و تمکین عام به انجام وظایف خانوادگی، اطاعت از شوهر و پذیرفتن ریاست شوهر بر خانواده است. وظیفهٔ تمکین عام ایجاب می‌کند که زن نظرات مرد در مورد تربیت فرزندان، امور خانوادگی، و کارها و روابط اجتماعی خود را بپذیرد و از آن اطاعت کند.

نشوز - ویکی‌پدیا، دانشنامهٔ آزاد March 20, 2014

To get past the limitations of ordinary facial matching software, Facebook’s researchers have managed to find a way to build 3D models of faces from a photo, which can then be rotated to provide matching of the same face captured at different angles. In the past, facial recognition via computer could be pretty easily foiled if a subject is simply tilting their head in a slightly different direction.

Facebook’s DeepFace Project Nears Human Accuracy In Identifying Faces | TechCrunch March 20, 2014

Although Arrow's theorem is a mathematical result, it is often expressed in a non-mathematical way with a statement such as "No voting method is fair," "Every ranked voting method is flawed," or "The only voting method that isn't flawed is a dictatorship". These statements are simplifications of Arrow's result which are not universally considered to be true. What Arrow's theorem does state is that a deterministic preferential voting mechanism - that is, one where a preference order is the only information in a vote, and any possible set of votes gives a unique result - cannot comply with all of the conditions given above simultaneously. Arrow did use the term "fair" to refer to his criteria. Indeed, Pareto efficiency, as well as the demand for non-imposition, seems acceptable to most people.

Arrow's impossibility theorem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia March 17, 2014

The practice of hiring “body doubles” or “stand-ins” is well-documented by official Chinese media. In 2009, a hospital president who caused a deadly traffic accident hired an employee’s father to “confess” and serve as his stand-in. A company chairman is currently charged with allegedly arranging criminal substitutes for the executives of two other companies. In another case, after hitting and killing a motorcyclist, a man driving without a license hired a substitute for roughly $8,000. The owner of a demolition company that illegally demolished a home earlier this year hired a destitute man, who made his living scavenging in the rubble of razed homes, and promised him $31 for each day the “body double” spent in jail. In China, the practice is so common that there is even a term for it: ding zui. Ding means “substitute,” and zui means “crime”; in other words, “substitute criminal.”

China’s wealthy and influential sometimes hire body doubles to serve their prison sentences March 17, 2014

It's been known for a long, long time that if girls have ADHD they are more likely to have the inattention form, not the hyperactive, aggressive, disruptive form. Perhaps that difference in how ADHD can look is why the diagnosis is missed in girls. They may be quietly suffering and having trouble in school, but they're not disruptive.

Young Women Increasingly Turn To ADHD Drugs : Shots - Health News : NPR March 17, 2014

ADHD is no longer just a childhood condition. Many of the children and adolescents who were diagnosed 10 years ago are now adults, and we know that about 1 in 3 kids carry ADHD with them into adulthood.

Young Women Increasingly Turn To ADHD Drugs : Shots - Health News : NPR March 17, 2014

Blowing a raspberry, strawberry or making a Bronx cheer is to make a noise signifying derision, real or feigned. It is made by placing the tongue between the lips and blowing to produce a sound similar to flatulence. In the terminology of phonetics, this sound can be described as an unvoiced linguolabial trill [r̼̊]. It is never used in human language phonemically (e.g., to be used as a building block of words), but the sound is widely used across human cultures.

Blowing a raspberry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia March 17, 2014

فیلم بی آنکه گشایشی در افق خویش نشان دهد با کشتن اسب پا شکسته توسط ترانه علیدوستی به پایان می رسد در یک هوای سرد و کدر گرگ و میش. در یک بن بست مطلق که تحقق هرگونه معنا و تحولی را ناممکن نشان می دهد. در یک سرگشتگی نشانه ها( عنوان کتاب ترجمه ای حقیقی از فیلسوفان پست مدرن).   نیست انگاری فیلم میان نهیلیسم نیچه ای ( نفی مطلق ارزشها ) و نهیلیسم کاموئی ( پوچ انگاری هر گونه معنا و حقیقتی ) معلق و در نوسان است که در عین حال یک وضعیت انحطاط و بن بست را روایت می کند . یک بن بست مطلق چرا که در نهایت زن و مرد به هیچ مقصدی نمی رسند.اگر نیست انگاری نزد زن و مرد داستان از نوع نهیلیسم نیچه ایست ، نهیلیسم روابط میان آنها و موقعیت ها و دیگران از نوع کاموئی است ، نحوی پوچ انگاری آزاردهنده و فرساینده.

پذیرایی ساده؛روایت انفجار خشم روشنفکر ایرانی از مردم March 16, 2014

فیلم با یک پلان کشدار مملو از فحاشی و بددهنی ( که بعضی الفاط آن تاکنون در سینما ادا نشده بود)  میان حقیقی و ترانه علیدوستی شروع می شود. ( پذیرایی ساده را می توان فحاش ترین و عصبی ترین فیلم جشنواره سی ام فیلم فجر دانست) و از همین ابتدا در می یابیم که فیلم درباره توزیع میلیونی پول در میان مردمی است که مکان جغرافیایی آن چندان روشن نیست. از این حیث فیلم در فضایی شبه ناکجاآبادی می گذرد که البته گوشه چشمی کنایه آمیز هم به وضعیت کلی ایران داشته است

پذیرایی ساده؛روایت انفجار خشم روشنفکر ایرانی از مردم March 16, 2014

A noun used to denote speech such as "dagnabbit," "gosh dern," and "whippersnapper" stereotypically associated with cantankerous old men.

Urban Dictionary: oldcootism March 16, 2014

درست همان کلبی‌مسلکی یا سینیسیزم مطلق، همان بدبینی کامل، که لازمه‌اش این است که هیچ اتحادی نمی‌تواند پایدار باشد. هیچ امیدی نیست، مگر این‌که خودت با خودت متحد باشی؛ کاری که مرد - کاوه- می‌کند، یعنی خودش را به آب و آتش می‌زند تا در نهایت کار درستی که دیگران را از آن منع کرده، خودش انجام بدهد. شاید بشود گفت که در نهایت یک جور رجعت به خویشتن و فرد است. این‌که خودم باید این وضع را درست کنم، روی هیچ‌کسی نمی‌توانم حساب کنم. حتی وقتی لیلا به او می‌گوید بیا برو ما بچه را دفن می‌کنیم، می‌گوید «تو باز می‌ذاری میری». دیگر فقط روی خودش حساب می‌کند.
شریعتی: نامش «استراتژی نومیدی» است: از کسی انتظار نداشته باش، به هیچ‌کس اعتماد نکن، هیچ امیدی در راه نیست. خودبسندگی‌‌ای که می‌تواند منجر به سر زدن فردیتی جدید باشد

روزنامه بهار-جمعه عصبانی، شنبه اخلاقی- , یک شنبه , 24 دی ,  1391 March 16, 2014